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How to Use this Resource

The Database of Immigrant Narratives (DIN) is intended to provide EFL learners with intercultural encounters to which they might not ordinarily have access. The narrative accounts of immigrants offer deeper insight into the reasons why members of other countries/cultures choose to immigrate, what contributions they currently provide their host country, as well as the challenges they face in adjusting to work and life in a new environment.

The typical interview begins with a short account of the interviewee’s hometown, offering geographical and cultural information may be followed up by the learner at any time. This approach to building cultural knowledge differs from a bird’s eye informational approach to culture in that cultural exploration takes place within the context of the story. The benefit of information embedded in and connected to narratives is that it is often more easily retained than facts transmitted didactically.   

Interviewees typically relate childhood events, including familial relationships, school experiences, and other experiences to which learners are often able to relate. Drawing attention to similarities between learners and interviewees is critical in alleviating the sense of “otherness” commonly experienced towards members of outgroups. In cases were the childhood experiences of interviewees and learners contrast sharply, it can be worthwhile to have learners consider how they might act or feel if placed in similar circumstances.

Each interview aims to reveal the reasons for immigration, as well as the hurdles overcome in that process. The reasons for immigration vary; however, many of the immigrants with whom learners are most likely to come into physical contact (e.g., service workers) report monetary considerations as a motivation in the decision to immigrate. In such cases, the income gained is usually employed for a planned purpose (e.g., family support; to start a business). Focusing on these aspects of the immigrant experience leads to an opportunity for learners to consider what they would be willing to do to accomplish career goals.

Interviews may be watched in their entirety; alternatively, educators may find it expedient to have learners view interview segments from several interviews, which may be incorporated around a specific learning goal. For example, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan, where the bulk of the interviews were conducted, has one of the highest concentrations of foreign agricultural workers in the country. To increase awareness and understanding of this population, a typical class involves having learners investigate the reasons why agricultural workers come to Kumamoto, the types of jobs they do, as well as other ways in which they contribute to the local economy.       

There is no one “correct” way to use the DIN. That said, educators will find viewings most effective when they are: 1) followed by exercises that reinforce understanding of video content (i.e., vocabulary, etc.); 2) promote further cultural exploration; and 3) require learners to individually engage in self-reflection (e.g., How do they feel? How would I feel?). Finally, class or group discussions are important for learners to share cultural information and personal discoveries.

For a complete explanation of the pedagogy underscoring this approach, please see About Intercultural Competence through Narrative (ICN).


Database of Immigrant Narratives (DIN)は、EFL学習者に普段接することのない異文化との出会いを提供することを目的としています。移民のインタビューの内容は、他の国や文化の人々がなぜ移住したのか、現在どのような貢献を受け入れ国にしているのか、また新しい環境での仕事や生活に適応するために直面する問題などについて、深い理解を与えてくれます。





このDINの使い方は、これが正しいというものはありません。しかし、教育者は次のような方法で視聴するのが効果的だと考えています。1) ビデオ内容の理解を深めるための学習(例:ボキャブラリーなど)、2) さらなる文化的探求を促す、3) 学習者に自己反省を促す(例:彼らはどう感じるか、自分ならどう感じるか)、などです。最後に、クラスやグループでディスカッションを行うことは、学習者が文化的な情報や個人的な発見を共有するために重要です。


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